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How to download torrents with

With it is easy to convert your torrent-file or magnet-url into direct download link in 3 simple steps without need to use torrent-client:

  1. Locate the torrent file on your computer
  2. Upload it to
  3. Click on the file link to download

Feature list

Direct Download Link (DDL) - select any file inside torrent and download it without VPN and torrent-client.

Instant video and audio streaming - select video or audio file inside torrent and start watching it without need of download. Supported formats:

  • Video: avi, mkv, mp4, webm, m4v, ts, vob
  • Audio: mp3, wav, ogg, flac, m4a

Chrome Extension - install extension for Google Chrome and will be open all downloaded torrents and magnet-links in a new tab.

Download whole torrent as ZIP-archive - download your torrent as ZIP-archive on-the-fly preserving original directory structure without torrent-client.

Developer friendly - with the SDK you can provide your users with the ability to watch torrent-videos online on your website.


Do I need to turn on my VPN when using Will my ISP see what I'm downloading?

For an ISP, using is no different from using any other site such as YouTube or Google. All information between the user and is transmitted only over the secure HTTPS protocol, which excludes the possibility of interception. The user's IP address is not broadcasted to the BitTorrent network, since downloads from the BitTorrent network are only handled by servers. Thus, the use of is anonymous and safe without any additional measures.

Can I remove ads when using

In order to remove ads, you just need to start helping the project. In addition to removing ads, you will also be able to get faster loading speed and a heart icon in the interface!

Can I use on my mobile phone or tablet?

Yes! You can use to download and stream torrents on any mobile device, without having to install additional apps.

Is open-source project?

All components of are absolutely open-source and distributed under MIT license. You can visit github repository to view source codes.